Monday 25 February 2013

Street Dance/Pop Re-Shoot

This post will display the images from my street dance/pop theme within the book.

This is a re-shoot from the first post I published on this blog on January 13th.

This time I have toned down some of the jewellery that I used in the first pictures and I think this has helped to create more of a sophisticated shot. I think the gold compliments the blue of the jumper and blends well with the contrast in make up design on the eye lids and temple.  

All in all I am pleased with the make-up look itself however under the lights in the studio, some of the colour does disappear which is frustrating as I want the lights to be bright in keeping with the idea of the images being 'pop' like. I think once some photo's have been uploaded on the computer perhaps it will take a tiny bit of post production to really pop the colour out to the viewer. 

Edits to follow!! 

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