Saturday 23 February 2013

Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. Ballet later developed into a dance performed in concerts in Russia and France. This dance style has since been well known world wide and specifically known for its technical style and development of  its own vocabulary. It has been said that Ballet has global influence and has defined the techniques and foundation used in a number of other dance genres.

Variations of Ballet have been introduced and have evolved since the Italian Renaissance. Contemporary and Neoclassical ballet have emerged also. However Romantic Ballet (Ballet Blanc) is the most classical style that is performed around the world. This style of ballet focuses on female dancers and their 'pointe' work. 

The precise and flowing movements in ballet is what I would like to portray in my make up look by blending and creating strong features, perhaps brushed up white coloured eye brows and lashes. 

Here is a video based on 'Ballerina' which shows a number of dancers performing and behind stage. Their movement, body language and style is mesmerizing. This has make me think a lot about how I need to develop my make-up and hair design for this themed shoot.  

I have produced a mood board with a mock up of ideas for make up and hair designs I think would work for my photo shoot. 

I like the idea of using a colour pallet of soft pinks and blues. I would like to modernise the make up look with maybe white/cream eye brows and eye lashes to match the hair of the model who I would like to be very fair colour hair if not almost white. Strong blending with a touch of shimmer on the cheek bones, temple, chin and neck I think will highlight main features of the face. 

Wish me luck with putting this shoot into action! 

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