Saturday 23 February 2013

Experimenting with Salsa Shoot

I have developed some research into different make-up artists and one in particular called Caroline Saulnier has caught my attention in some of her work. She has a published book that she has collaborated with photographer Rankin. Here is one of the images I was fond of in the book:

This style of photo is very striking, the use of colour has been used carefully to enhance the bold lip designs on the eye lids and on the actual lip. I thought this idea is an effective surrealist take on makeup and through post production, my photographer Rae Finn created an edit from the 'Salsa Shoot' manipulated in a similar way. 

This shot has similar vibrant and bold colour on the features of the face. It adds depth to the image and explores surrealistic presentation. This may not be included in my final printed book but I have found it is good to experiment and research other make up artists and art movements. This allows for more brain storming and collecting new ideas for shoots. 

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