Thursday 21 February 2013

Salsa Shoot

It has been a few days since I have last posted about my progression within my FMP. 

I have arranged and carried out a few shoots which I am excited about and have set myself a target of doing two photo-shoots a week to enable me to gather a good amount of pictures to choose from to crop, edit and  publish in my final printed book. 

Following from my ideas from the previous posts about the 'Salsa' inspired shoot here are a few of my images: 

I chose to focus on the colour orange for this shoot in particular as I think orange signifies the mood of salsa dancing and give the vibrancy needed to portray my theme. 

Here are a few edits from the shoot that I am very fond of: 

With these images the aim was to give the effect of movement within the photographs as the theme of my book is dance styles. To get this effect I had a chat with my photographer Rae Finn, she discovered if you change the shutter speed to a lower number, when you take the photo and move the camera slightly it can result in a blurred effect which can then be enhanced by a small amount of post production. 

Here are my favourite shots so far: 

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