Thursday 28 February 2013

Tango Dance Shoot Inspiration

Next I would like to display art images which have inspired me to create my 'Tango Shoot'. I think looking at art imagery can  really express great colours and moods to influence the photo shoot. 





Art by Pedro Alverez

Art by Monika Hackl

Below displays a mood board of the type of make-up id like to create for my shoot. I want a vibrant post box red around the eye and temple area perhaps including some make-up techniques such as taping. 

I plan to use a model with dark brown hair and perhaps blue eyes. Red coloured eye shadow or powder really contrasts well with light coloured eyes as it makes them stand out next to this deep colour demonstrated in some images below. 

I need to think carefully about styling for this shoot. I would like the final images to be fairly close up shoots showing the expression and mood on the models face and the detail and perhaps shading of the make up look. I need to research into different materials that could complement the theme of the shoot. Dark floaty materials, ruffles or fringing could work with the overall look. 

Shoot photos to come! Wish me luck! 

Monday 25 February 2013

Street Dance/ Pop Edits

Here are a couple of edits from the shoot for far. 

Again I am keeping the theme of creating a sense of movement through the images for my book. The photographer- Rae Finn played around with some colour changes to see if introducing other tones would work and here are the first couple of results: 

This picture has quite a strong pose which I am fond of, however I think I prefer the first image as it shows more of the make up design and has an attractive angle on the models face. I think the nail art works well and stands out in the images which give the picture the extra edge of colour and design.

Again playing with graffics in the background of the images does work well as it sets more colours off in the photograph which enhances the 'pop' look I was aiming for. 

However I may continue to edit some of these shots to perhaps have more close ups to show the make-up design and shading around the temple of the face. 

I am overall pleased with clean structure of the composition. 

Street Dance/Pop Re-Shoot

This post will display the images from my street dance/pop theme within the book.

This is a re-shoot from the first post I published on this blog on January 13th.

This time I have toned down some of the jewellery that I used in the first pictures and I think this has helped to create more of a sophisticated shot. I think the gold compliments the blue of the jumper and blends well with the contrast in make up design on the eye lids and temple.  

All in all I am pleased with the make-up look itself however under the lights in the studio, some of the colour does disappear which is frustrating as I want the lights to be bright in keeping with the idea of the images being 'pop' like. I think once some photo's have been uploaded on the computer perhaps it will take a tiny bit of post production to really pop the colour out to the viewer. 

Edits to follow!! 

Make-up for Street Dance Shoot

Here is a close up of the make-up I created for the street dance inspired photo shoot. I wanted to show the colouring and shading created in the make up studio. 

This picture shows the green, yellow and orange pigment that has been shaded into the temple, cheek bone and forehead. This creates quite a difference to the first attempt at the street dance shoot as the colour is far more apparent. 

I kept the idea of the blue lips as this colour actually goes with the styling I have planned of an electric blue jumper and turquoise colour ring. 

The eye liner flicks are a strong aspect of the look and I find this work with the dense eye lashes applied. The white eye shadow creates a great base and makes the overall look appear clean. However, when photographed the lids of the eyes needed a little more depth so I decided to change the look slightly and add a dark brown powder shaded into the crease of the eyelid.  


Street Dance/ Pop Inspiration

My next shoot will be based on 'street dance'. The style of this shoot will be 'pop' like and quite colourful. Here are some references that have helped me with some inspiration in this development: 

This image was found on the internet under street dance illustration on 

The image gives off vibrant colours, strokes of movement, energy and attitude. I would like my shoot to have the same traits. 

This image is from Vouge nippon - Playing with colour 2013. 

The pop like composition of the image has inspired me with ideas for my shoot. I would like to include nail art into my shots as I think it really does complete a look and tie the whole theme together if you get the design right. 

I aim to create a look that involves electric blues, yellows, greens and oranges. These colours mixed together I think portrays a quite youthful, urban mix and could work with designing a make up look along with nail art. 

I have managed to team up with a nail technician named Suzan Kerlo as she specialises in nail art and design. I sent these mood boards to her to explain the overall idea for my shoot to see if she could perhaps come up with a set of nails to use for street dance theme: 

This board is expresses some of the bold eye make up designs I could draw from for my photo shoot. Also a few hair designs that could work in keeping with the theme, quite contemporary and modern hair styles. 

This mood board shows more of the styling I would like to incorporate into my images. Keeping the vibrant pallet in make-up and styling and assessing poses I could use to shoot the model with high attitude and clean structure. 

Nail Design by Suzan Kerlo: 

This nail art compliments my ideas for the shoot, they give an urban, bright, structured feel. The camouflage effect can be related to street dance as a lot of costume which is camouflage is used within street dance and hip hop performances. 

I would like to see these nails involved in my shoot and look forward to shooting this look and seeing the end result! 

Wish me luck!  

Krumping Edits

These are a few edits from my 'Krumping' themed photo shoot. They have been darkened in some places to enhance the contrast and brightness. The intention was to present a clean shot yet have the essence of the krumping style by using dark colours within the make up and clothing. 

I wanted to enhance the 'grime' theme to this shoot and I think edits like these that I have accomplished that.  

Experimentation with graffics on some of the shots I found looks quite effective and gives that little extra to the photograph.

However in some of the images, perhaps too much blurring or staggering can almost distort the make up design which makes the look harder to see clearly so this is maybe something I have to think about with future shoots and post production.

Saturday 23 February 2013

More photos from Krumping Shoot

After this shoot on Krumping and my last one on Ballet I look forward to receive some feedback from my tutor to get any extra guidance with this FMProject!

Lets wait and see, on with more shoots!

Krumping Shoot Images & Edits

After sticking with my initial ideas about make up and hair on this theme, here are some images from my krumping shoot:

I chose a mix race model to do this shoot as I found the skin tones and pallet I wanted to use would compliment each other really well. It doesn't look overly harsh on the skin however I could capture the colour and shine from the make up. I kept the styling simple and fairly urban looking in keeping with the dance movement.

The last two photos are my personal favourites from the shoot as the photographer captured movement and purposely created a blur effect keeping the style of previous pictures for my printed book. 

Krumping Shoot Inspiration

For my next shoot I have chosen to focus on the dance style of 'Krumping'. This style is a form of street dance however it has a much more aggressive and expressive nature to the movements. It has popularised in the USA and has begun to increase popularity around the world through a form of street dance. Krumping uses extreme free, expressive, highly energetic and exaggerated movements involving arms, head, legs, chest and feet. 

Youths who started the style of dance Krumping say they see the dance as a way for them to escape gang life and to ''release anger, aggression and frustration positively, in a non-violent way'. 

Here is a clip from a film called 'Stomp the yard' created in 2007 starring Chris Brown 

This video gives an idea about the style of krumping and the aggression the dancers display whilst doing the dance movements. 

For the hair and make up designs for this shoot I have collected some images which portray my ideas: 

The make up I would like to create will be quite dirty and glossy looking. Using black and grey eye shadows for smokey eyes with an added MAC gloss over the top to get a wet look effect. I would like to try messy, back combed hair to compliment the grime theme of krumping. 

Styling will be key for this shoot so I will have to shop around for styling ideas and perhaps stick to a colour theme of black and white and grey. These colours can perhaps suggest the mood of the dance, the aggression and darkness.

Ballet Shoot Images

Here are some images from my Ballet themed shoot:

This look has been developed due to my research and knowledge on the dance style Ballet. 

I wanted the soft pinks and blues to compliment the pale and fair tones of my models skin and hair. 

The shading makes the face highlighted and colourful, yet soft and angelic in keeping with the Ballet theme style. 

IN the last two images I have tried to capture some movement within the picture much like my Salsa and Disco picture to develop the link to all my images. I think this can be enhanced by small use of post production to enable me to portray this effect to a high standard. 

These images have not been edited yet so edits from this theme are to come!! 

Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. Ballet later developed into a dance performed in concerts in Russia and France. This dance style has since been well known world wide and specifically known for its technical style and development of  its own vocabulary. It has been said that Ballet has global influence and has defined the techniques and foundation used in a number of other dance genres.

Variations of Ballet have been introduced and have evolved since the Italian Renaissance. Contemporary and Neoclassical ballet have emerged also. However Romantic Ballet (Ballet Blanc) is the most classical style that is performed around the world. This style of ballet focuses on female dancers and their 'pointe' work. 

The precise and flowing movements in ballet is what I would like to portray in my make up look by blending and creating strong features, perhaps brushed up white coloured eye brows and lashes. 

Here is a video based on 'Ballerina' which shows a number of dancers performing and behind stage. Their movement, body language and style is mesmerizing. This has make me think a lot about how I need to develop my make-up and hair design for this themed shoot.  

I have produced a mood board with a mock up of ideas for make up and hair designs I think would work for my photo shoot. 

I like the idea of using a colour pallet of soft pinks and blues. I would like to modernise the make up look with maybe white/cream eye brows and eye lashes to match the hair of the model who I would like to be very fair colour hair if not almost white. Strong blending with a touch of shimmer on the cheek bones, temple, chin and neck I think will highlight main features of the face. 

Wish me luck with putting this shoot into action! 

Ballet Shoot Inspiration

For my next shoot I am planning to portray the theme of Ballet. I have researched into art and illustration on ballet and here are a couple of pieces by the artist Sera M . 

These pieces have inspired me for my photo-shoot as I find the colour blending a really interesting technique that I could interpret into my make up with the soft strokes and shading which can relate to the soft movements of ballet itself. 

The use of colour in this image has given me some ideas about how I can create a soft looking make-up look which still has a strong use of colour to enhance the models features and make the look stand out.  

Experimenting with Salsa Shoot

I have developed some research into different make-up artists and one in particular called Caroline Saulnier has caught my attention in some of her work. She has a published book that she has collaborated with photographer Rankin. Here is one of the images I was fond of in the book:

This style of photo is very striking, the use of colour has been used carefully to enhance the bold lip designs on the eye lids and on the actual lip. I thought this idea is an effective surrealist take on makeup and through post production, my photographer Rae Finn created an edit from the 'Salsa Shoot' manipulated in a similar way. 

This shot has similar vibrant and bold colour on the features of the face. It adds depth to the image and explores surrealistic presentation. This may not be included in my final printed book but I have found it is good to experiment and research other make up artists and art movements. This allows for more brain storming and collecting new ideas for shoots. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Salsa Shoot

It has been a few days since I have last posted about my progression within my FMP. 

I have arranged and carried out a few shoots which I am excited about and have set myself a target of doing two photo-shoots a week to enable me to gather a good amount of pictures to choose from to crop, edit and  publish in my final printed book. 

Following from my ideas from the previous posts about the 'Salsa' inspired shoot here are a few of my images: 

I chose to focus on the colour orange for this shoot in particular as I think orange signifies the mood of salsa dancing and give the vibrancy needed to portray my theme. 

Here are a few edits from the shoot that I am very fond of: 

With these images the aim was to give the effect of movement within the photographs as the theme of my book is dance styles. To get this effect I had a chat with my photographer Rae Finn, she discovered if you change the shutter speed to a lower number, when you take the photo and move the camera slightly it can result in a blurred effect which can then be enhanced by a small amount of post production. 

Here are my favourite shots so far: 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Further inspiration for Salsa Shoot

This post will display make-up and hair styling research that is inspiring me to draw up my final look for a Salsa shoot: 

I think the bold eye shading and the glossy lip looks extremely effective in this picture and creates a very sleek beautiful look. 

It inspires me with my own work as I would like to involve colour shading on the eye lid and also around the eye and temple. The mixture of colours on the eye does give a depth to the make-up which I think will stand out on final images. 

With my theme being salsa and decision to create a look with the focus colour being orange these pictures have really helped me see how you can play around with colour and also mix it with darker colours without taking away from the vibrancy to the overall image. A smokey eye looks great to define the eyes and set a focus point to the model for a beauty look. 

For my salsa shoot I plan to book a model who has an afro texture to their hair in order to create a wacky hair style in keeping with the theme of vibrant salsa dancing! 

Here is a picture that has inspired me for the shoot. This hair do can be easily achieved and effectively captured on camera to add another dimension to the look. 

Another aspect of the look to think about is the nails and how important it is to colour co-ordinate when necessary. For my shoot to develop well and be photographed successfully I need to think of all these areas to create a clean finalised look.  

Here is another picture that caught my eye as I think the contouring idea will be good to incorporate in my own pictures to enhance my models features and brighten the face in a high fashion way. 

I will also experiment by adding shimmer to this look as I think that extra sheen will really compliment the orange, bronze and gold colours I plan to use!