Thursday 2 May 2013

Re-Shoot of Jazz Dance Theme

I decided to organise a re-shoot for the ‘Jazz’ theme during the Easter holidays and revamped the entire idea of make up, hair and styling bringing an improved make up look and colour scheme of black, gold and bronze into play and complimenting this new look with additional styling ideas to create a better image. 

The following images are the outcome of the re-shoot. They will need further re-touching to polish the image to make it suitable for printing in the book. 

In the re-touching stages I want to darken the background to a grey/black tone to compliment the gold shimmer and shine of the make-up and styling. Feed back session also helped a great deal as I received pointers as to how to present certain images from this shoot. 

A two page spread with two pictures on each could look effective and add to my aim of representing a sense of movement through the photography by using the images below to do this: 

I plan to use the same technique previously mentioned to edit these images to best display colours lighting and theme of this shoot. 

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