Monday 6 May 2013

Last adjustments / Ordering / Shipping

When uploading the book to Blurb there were a few last decisions to make such as:

  • How many copies wanted?
  • What paper type do I want to use? 
  • Do I want to have a dust sheet cover for the book or an image wrap around? 

I decided to order x3 copies of the book to have one for submission, one to give to my photographer as she was consistent and extremely reliable throughout this whole process and one to keep for myself. This came to 160 pounds as the book itself is 44 pages long. 

I asked for advice on paper type and made the decision to order 'premium lustre' finish paper as this type has a slight gloss to it however it is not too shiny that it could effect the image under certain lighting. 

Finally I came to the conclusion of ordering a glossy white 'dust sheet wrap around' with my illustration on the front to present my book. Underneath the wrap around I ordered a plain black linen material as I thought to keep the decoration of the book clean, simple, black and white just like my illustration.  

Admittedly this was a great feeling to have the book sent off to print after all the hard work put into it, although anxiety has kicked in as to how the book will turn out. Delivery states it will take 7-11 days to deliver. 

Fingers crossed!  

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