Monday 6 May 2013

Re-shoot Contemporary Inspiration

Various fashion brands have caught my eye throughout this project and in particular House of Holland has been one brand that I enjoy looking at and taking inspiration from. 

The picture below has specifically attracted me due to the sense of movement displayed within the picture and also the added effect of there being two models. Their composition and positioning creates an interesting photograph and the use of make-up, hair and styling finish the look. Its fun, modern and playful style I think can reflect the idea of 'Contemporary dance' and I would like to interpret this into my re-shoot. 

Taking on board direction from my tutor, including a 'duo shoot' in the book would express diversity to my images and a change of pattern throughout the book. I would like to take this advice and see how I manage to direct two models and come up with hair and make-up designs fitting with the chosen theme. 

Pictures of the re-shoot are to follow........ 

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