Monday 6 May 2013

Indesign - Layout - PDF

With all final images confirmed and feedback given I went on to the layout of my book. 

The book size will be 12 x 12 and I am going with the publishing company 'Blurb' to print my Final Major Project. This meant I had to use the software 'Indesign' to create the book and as I was a little unfamiliar with this package I learnt a lot as I went along editing the layout and design which proved not as daunting than first thought. Various problems were raised throughout this journey such as how to insert page numbers that are correctly in line on each and every page counting out the opening pages and the fact the 'bleed line' on the Indesign template was crucial to follow to avoid any information from images or text being lost down the crease of the book after printing. 

Other lessons learnt from putting together the book is that the images have to be saved on Photoshop as a CMYK file as many printing companies (including Blurb) only print books in this setting so this had to be checked before sending to print to see if any colour was lost in translation to then be prepared to recover certain colours/tones/shades before finalising the book to print. 

However will help from the I.C.T and photography team I was able to overcome complications efficiently. 

Further help I received was from my main tutor, she gave me pointers on what to exclude or keep in the layout for the book and also double checked over my text and quotes throughout the book.  

After a lot of editing and experimenting on Indesign I have finally come to a close on the layout and here below is the whole book as a PDF document ready to send off to print....


I have carefully thought about the use of colour for each page and have added certain colours to create the mood for some of the dance themes further as well as the colour pallet in the image to set the atmosphere. 

I have tried to keep the layout, text and quotes as clean and neat as possible as I think this gives a professional finish to the book. Presentation is key and I am really looking forward to sending this off to print to see what the actual final product looks like. 

Wish me luck!! 

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