Friday 29 March 2013

Waltz Shots

These photos were taken by one of my photography tutors – Chris Overand. At the start of the shoot, I had asked for soft boxes to be set up to enable a beauty shot to be taken. The lighting set up to begin with made the images a little too over exposed making the colour disappear in the picture.

Here are a few results from using the lighting set up at the beginning of the shoot:

This particular lighting set up proved to be unsuccessful as the image were too bright and the information was being lost. This encouraged Chris Overand to change the idea slightly of the set up to use more of the natural light coming into the studio. This gave a much softer look to the images and created a great shadow behind the models head and reflected the styling and make up colour 100 times better.

Here are some examples:

The last minute change of lighting set up proved quite stressful as I wanted to get the photos exactly right as everything else went how I had planned. It helped a great deal that my tutor Chris was on hand to defuse the problem and manage to capture the picture I had envisaged in planning.

These photo's came out so well that my tutor Chris Overand even wanted to use a shot to upload onto his website. Overall very pleased with how this look developed!

Edits are to come!

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