Monday 4 March 2013

Jazz Shoot Inspiration/ Testing

Moving on to my jazz themed shoot. These pieces of art created by Debra Hurd express great colour relating to jazz music more than anything. There is a mixture of daring colours however I would like to focus on the golden colour shown in both images. 

Another reference in my research is a clip from the 2002 film 'Chicago' of the song Roxy Hart. This clip, some would say sums up jazz style. I would like to interpret the sparkle and shine that people immediately think of when referring to jazz into my photo shoot. 

I want to do this by perhaps experimenting with glitter brows and eye shadow. Researching into this particular idea for my shoot here are a few images that display what I am thinking: 

 These photos demonstrate my initial make up design idea for this shoot. I want it to look fairly glamorous yet with a modern looking twist. 

Here is a photograph of some testing work carried out on the model I aim to use for the shoot. In keeping with my idea of using the gold colour pallet to enhance the 'show biz' and 'rich' stereotype that jazz dancing has, I decided to experiment with eye brow stencils building up the shape with Vaseline and a shimmery gold dust to make the dust grip to the eye brow hair and conclude with a strong and even colour. 

Lets see how the shoot goes and the make up design comes together! 

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