Friday 1 March 2013

Further Tango Inspired Shots

Here are some images that show off the styling as well as the make up design. Whilst searching for an outfit for this shoot I came across quite a bargain in Southampton town West Quay. I ended up purchasing a black leotard which had fringing all the way down the sleeves. This was a bit of an experiment on the day of my shoot to see if the tassels worked with the look.  

This particular composition of the model works really successfully in comparison to the first lot of images posted. 

Feedback I received initiated the fact that the tassels complimented the lines of the make up design and collaborated well with the hair up style. 

I decided to apply dense black lashes to the bottom lash so when photographing the model in shots like this one above the lashes are elongated to exaggerate the beauty aspect as well as the fiery, vibrant theme of tango dancing. 

These final images have not yet been edited but edits are to follow. In post production the red colour will be enhanced to look increasingly striking to the viewer in the book and perhaps also the idea of movement will be interpreted also to create the finished shot. 

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