Thursday 24 January 2013

My Project

My Final Major Project 

This project will consist of gathering and delving into research about the use of make-up and hair design within dance movements and styles. The outcome will materialise into a professionally printed book. The book will display history of certain dance styles past and present and will enlighten people about the hair and make-up design side of things. It will also examine the origins of stereotypes and modern adaptations to make-up. 

My dream job would to be the head make-up artist on a show like 'Strictly Come Dancing'. The use of make-up designs used every series in each for every style of dance I find inspirational. Current head make-up designer for 'Strictly Come Dancing' is Lisa Armstrong and here is a video I have sourced from the internet with her speaking about her job within make-up for the show: >>

Lisa Armstrong voices her opinion about the importance of make-up within the dances broadcast on the show and carries on to say how daring and courageous one can be when creating make-up looks for dance. These kinds of shows are annually shown on our television screens and the nation has taken them to their heart far more than might of been expected.

I would like to develop this idea and create a printed book full of classic television and film glamour through photo shoots and research. It will display timeless classic glamour looks however the book will tie in a relevant and current outlook on more contemporary dances and how these looks have evolved on our stage and screen productions in film and TV. 

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